Little Hands Baby Signs

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Monday, September 7, 2009

Benefits of Signs, L.A. Times Article

Whilst perusing periodicals for some Baby Sign Language trivia, I found an L.A. Times Health article from 2006. As I was reading, most of the information fell soundly into the "Very interesting, but I've seen it before!" category. But I persisted! And I'm so glad I did. On the subject of the benefits of sign language for babies, Linda Acredolo, coauthor of _Baby Signs_ (a book which I personally use and love), gave voice to my precise feelings. In the article, she is quoted as saying, "The most important benefits are the emotional ones... It allows families a richer connection because they're better able to communicate. It also allows babies to share their world with their parents."

Incredible! Isn't that what we, as the nurturers of our precious little babies, want? To share our babies' worlds? Imagine the security and satisfaction that your baby feels when he knows that you understand him. He knows that you are his ally, that he can turn to you to explain your complex world and that in turn, you will understand his. *sniffle* Now I have to go check on my peaceful little babe as she sleeps... knowing that in the morning, when I go in to get her, she will be beaming and signing, "milk".

To read the full article, click here!

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